Cedric 1978

Blonde Bombshell

This cat belonged to Beryl and John Cook and features in more than one of her paintings.

Blonde Bombshell This very smart lady is sporting a walking stick that belonged to Beryl.

Two Cinema Seats 1960’s

Hangover 1966

On show for the first time these Cinema seats were featured in the Beryl Cook Retrospective
Exhibition at Plymouth University in 2008.

Beryl’s very first painting.

Disco c. 1969

A local gay bar in Plymouth.

Welcome 1970’s

Beryl’s take on the ‘welcoming’ landlady.

The Lockyer Tavern 1974

This was Beryl and John’s local for many years. There would be drag shows on a Sunday which much amused the Cooks, unfortunately it eventually closed down. The painting brought Beryl to the attention of the British public when it was reproduced on the cover of The Sunday Times Colour Supplement in 1978.

The Watch Tower

Beryl Cook would get very annoyed by ladies from The Jehovah’s Witnesses on her doorstep.
So this was her revenge.

Virgo 1988

This was painted for Portal Gallery’s ‘Signs of the Zodiac Show’

Tea in the Garden 1980’s

This painting so enranged some neighbours that they threatened to sue. As they were not actual portraits they did not have much of a case !

Coney Island 1983

This painting was inspired by one of Beryl Cook’s trips to New York to research paintings for her book ‘Beryl Cook’s New York’

Punks on the Hoe c. 1985

A great follower of fashion, here is an up to the minute portrait of Punk Rockers rollerskating around the Hoe.

The Royal Couple 2002

We received an acknowledgement from Buckingham Palace that the Queen had seen and appreciated the portrait, we don’t know what the Corgi thought.

The Silver Jubilee 1977

The frame was covered in plastic silver leaves.

Self Portrait

A little more Rembrandt than Cook – except for the beer and the fag !